Are you ready to take your Hyrox preparation to the next level?


Hyrox Workouts is the premier provider of digital Hyrox training programmes designed to help you perform at your highest level.

Each programme has been specifically designed and tested for each Hyrox event. They are tailored for a range of abilities and will equip you with the knowledge, whether you have been competing for years or are completely new to the sport.

Our plans come as a downloadable PDF document and come with calculators for programmes that require them (Run speed developer and Hyrox Strong).

We offer plans for both development (general prep) and performance (specific prep).  The specific prep plans include a pre-event taper plan (week 8) to peak for your race.

We provide you with set workouts giving you structure and progressive overload.

Are you ready to take your Hyrox preparation to the next level?

all plans £37 each

Specific prep training is where you train to perform.

Training focuses on the exact demands of your Hyrox race. You do this for the 8 weeks before your Hyrox event, a programme that is structured for you to be at your best and peak for your Race.

General prep training is where you train to develop.

It is any training that isn’t the specific prep phase. During general prep training you will develop qualities of strength and fitness that you need to improve yourself as an athlete and improve you Hyrox race time.

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