General prep training is where you train to develop. It is any training that isn’t the specific prep phase. During general prep training you will develop qualities of strength and fitness that you need to improve yourself as an athlete and improve you Hyrox race time.
General prep training takes a broader approach, focusing on developing overall fitness and athleticism. This is where you build a strong foundation for strength, endurance, speed and fitness.
The general prep phase for Hyrox will be a large part of your training year and can be anywhere from 8-10 months depending on what Hyrox races you have booked in.
This is the time to work on your weakness and make them your strengths. I think everyone who does Hyrox wants to be a better runner so ‘8-week Ultimate Engine Builder’ and ‘Develop Your Running Speeds’ will play a big part. The larger and more powerful your aerobic engine the better you will perform at Hyrox so this needs to be a key part to your training.
The off-season gives you the opportunity to really have a good general prep training phase dedicated to developing specific fitness qualities. Then bring it all together in the specific prep training 8-weeks before your race!!!
If your training includes all of these in the same week, don’t expect to see much improvement in any of these!!!
◦ Strength Endurance
◦ General Strength
◦ Running Speed
◦ Aerobic engine building
◦ Hyrox Specific Prep
You shouldn’t try to develop everything all at once, that will work if you’re a complete beginner, after that it isn’t the best way to train.
If you’re trying to develop everything at the same time, then most likely none of these qualities are individually getting enough training volume to improve!!
Decide what you need to develop! Use the 8-Week Block Training System. Training blocks designed to really develop one main quality of Hyrox at a time.
What are your main priorities that you need to develop to improve your Hyrox race times?
◦ Aerobic fitness
◦ Running Speed
◦ Strength
◦ Strength endurance
By training in 8-weeks blocks you can really focus on really developing one specific area for that time. That doesn’t mean you neglect everything else you have developed with your training. The way to do it is to really develop one aspect while maintaining the others. We do this by having development days and stimulation days. Development days are to develop and there needs to be enough volume of this to do so. Stimulation days are used to maintain other aspects of athleticism.
Because Hyrox isn’t a high skill competition, you really can break your training down and not focus on completely integrating Hyrox skill work into the training you do.
There isn’t too much technical stuff, except trying to hit that wall ball target when you’re exhausted!!
General prep training may lack the specificity that specific prep training gives you. It won’t fully replicate the challenges and movements of Hyrox. It won’t teach the specific strategies that could give you that edge in the competition. But it’s the foundations that you develop and then you take into your specific prep training which will give you all of this!!
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